Sipdown (1180)!
A little surprised by how flavourful this tea was, especially after the first two I tried from Kuda. I wish I could say that I enjoyed the flavour – but it was a bit like drinking potpourri. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that strong of a rose flavour from just rosebuds. Sure, teas with rose flavouring/oils used in them but typically the blossoms don’t pack that much intense perfume-y florals…
Thankfully, I think, this is the only flavour with roses in it – never have I ever felt so much conflicting emotions about a rose tea. I normally love rose! That said, it was a stunning tea – something about watching the slice of dragonfruit rehydrate was breathtaking, and I did eat the slice after I finished off my cup of perfume. The dragonfruit was very tasty even if the tea was less so.
Song Pairing: