Perfect summer blend of Moringa and Spearmint. This infusion is packed with vitamins and minerals, it helps with brain function giving you mental clarity.
This is a great coffee replacement because it give you a steady plant based energy, no crashing, no jitters just smooth motivation through the day.
Mori-Mint is great as an iced tea, extremely refreshing and extremely nourishing. Just what you need to cool off and treat yourself.
Directions: Add 1 tea bag to 8 oz of hot water. Let steep for 3-5 mins, optional add sugar/honey. Enjoy!
Loose leaf: Add 1 heaping teaspoon to steeper, place steeper in mug and pour 8 oz of hot water in mug. Let steep for 3-5 mins, optional add sugar/honey. Enjoy!
Cold Infusion: add 1 tsp/ teabag of tea for every cup (8oz) of room temperature/cold water. Add to bottle or pitcher let steep overnight or 4-6 hours. Add simple syrup or honey, serve over ice. Enjoy!
The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have and before beginning any herbal regimen.