Jasmine dragon pearl is a scented tea, which contains the jasmine flower scenting process and ball-rolling process. It has the lovely, subtle jasmine aroma, but also tea taste as well.
This one bud with one leaf tea leaves, picked from big white tea bushes from Fuding in Fujiang province, has been scented with the newly-open jasmine flower buds for almost nine times before the finished products. So that is why this tea contains extremely subtle jasmine aroma, not the strong ones. After siping the tea soup, the mixed jasmine and tea aroma is around your whole mouth, and changes a little for your every breath.
Harvest time: 2010 spring
Picking standard: One bud with one/two leaves
Shape: tight round shape; diameter:5-7mm
Dried tea color: shiny tea hair with dark grey tea color
Aroma: natural and fresh fragrance mixed with exquisite jasmine & tea
Tea soup color: bright yellowish-green color
Taste: natural & smooth jasmine & tea blended taste
Brewing vessel: glass cup or glass pot