“Smells like a sour lavender banana and tastes more like citrus-ginger fruit tree; it’s definitely a puzzler to the senses. I think I’d like this if there was more banana, the tea base was more...” Read full tasting note
“Dull green tea note with a peachy tone. Sweetness close to the end of the sip. I can taste the lavender note which is a great match for the peach. Thanks to MissB for sharing!” Read full tasting note
“another one that just isn’t for me but i’m glad missB enjoyed it. I like the uniqueness of this one, but there’s something in this one that just makes the whole thing taste weird…it’s not the...” Read full tasting note
“Hm. This time around, I don’t like this at all (yet gave it an 87 last time?) I used some honey, just a touch, and that’s all I could taste. Without it, it was a bland, nothing-ness. Ick. What on...” Read full tasting note
Thé vert au citron, gingembre, banane, lavande, goyave et pêche. Un thé doux légèrement acidulé et très rafraîchissant avec des morceaux de banane, évidemment!
Green tea with lemon, ginger, banana, lavender, guava and peach. A slightly tart and sweet tea very refreshing with chunks of banana, of course!
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