“This is the last of my Jade Monk. I love how it’s unique and completely different from anything I have ever tried as far as a Matcha Novelty Product is concerned. I also love the art work on each...” Read full tasting note
“With this flavor from Jade Monk, I decided rather preparing it like a Matcha (with hot water, whisking it in my chawan), I chose to mix it with cold water and stir vigorously. This Matcha drink...” Read full tasting note
“Not so much instant matcha as it is sweet orange flavored green stuff. I liked it, but it was a kool-aid nostalgia thing for me. It was waaaay sweet and light on the matcha. Cool packaging...” Read full tasting note
“Imagine, if you would, a scale of 1 to 10 – one being ‘tastes like Tang’, ten being ‘tastes like tea’. This ranked about a 3.” Read full tasting note
A thousand years ago in Shinto belief, the Tengu were dangerous spirit-animals. Over the centuries they’ve evolved into benevolent protectors and allies of humans. This particular Tengu-Cranberry Blood Orange instant matcha green tea powder-employs the impossibly potent antioxidant potential of Jade Monk®. Matcha, the tang of cranberry and bright citrus of blood orange, with a dash of sweetness. Traditional, pure, entirely natural ingredients with the fortified polyphenol strength of Jade Monk®-that’s a spirit to believe in.
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