Organic Ceylon Rose

Tea type
Black Tea
Ceylon Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Skysamurai
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Island Rose

Only the finest Organic Ceylon tea from the very exclusive estate of Needwood has been thoroughly brought into touch with a mysteriously fragrant rose flavor. It is perfect for an afternoon delight of finger sandwiches and pretty tea settings. The scent of rose rises from your cup and with every sip you bite into delicate pink petals.
Organic Certified Tea

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5 Tasting Notes

2145 tasting notes

Skysamurai was kind enough to share this with me after I mentioned that I love love love rose tea. It was a nice treat to have after spending nearly 2 hours outside with my toddler trick-or-treating. I have to say that I was impressed by his endurance and his ability to double-fist candy and plop it into his treat sack. Our neighbors thought he was adorable and let him get away with it, so we’ve got a boatload of candy. Yum!

But back to the tea…

On the first sip of this tea I thought it tasted familiar, I’ve not had the opportunity to try this specific tea before, but it reminds me of something I’ve had in the past which of course is comforting yet it still bugs me a bit that I can’t remember.

This had a really nice balance between the rose and the ceylon base. Many rose teas tend to remind me somewhat of potpourri, but this one, while strong didn’t go overboard with the rose flavor. I was distracted while steeping my second bag, we had some adorable trick-or-treaters come to the door, so I oversteeped by about 2 minutes. This was enough to make the tea turn bitter, but not entirely undrinkable. I also discovered that I this tea isn’t nearly as tasty at room temperature, so in the future I’ll definitely remember to finish it quickly.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I agree! It’s much better when it’s warmer.

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57 tasting notes

I blended this tea with fresh mint. I used 1 teaspoon of each tea and let it steep for 4 minutes. This will be a favorite personal blend that I will find in my cup often.

4 min, 0 sec

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1324 tasting notes

There is a rose garden in my mouth. I am both baffled and delighted at the same time. Baffled because one doesn’t usually drink roses. Delighted because I feel like I am sipping tea in a royal garden even though I’ve got sweatpants on. The smell is also quite amazing. Usually I throw away a tea bag once I am through with it but I still have this one sitting in front of me. The essence of the rose infused with the Ceylon is quite gorgeous.

As I have let it cool down over the past ten minutes I realize it is quite a bit better when it is warm. Still fine cold but my palette seems to prefer it warmer.

150 °F / 65 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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22 tasting notes

Delightful melding of rose and tea.

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