“Gentle, Smooth, Slightly Sweet, Delicate, Delightful! Just a few words to describe this one! I really like the flavor! YUM!” Read full tasting note
“Backlog: A lovely Oolong blend. I love the big purple blossoms that are in this. So beautiful! I steeped this in my gaiwan and got six infusions out of it. You can read about them more in depth...” Read full tasting note
In rural China, Blue Spring Oolong is commonly referred to as the compassionate
oolong tea. The name stems from ancient folklore of Guan Yin the Iron Goddess of
Mercy, of which this now famous Ti Kuan Yin style tea was named. Legend has it that
drought stricken villagers offered a passing stranger some water. With the
compassionate offering, Guan Yin revealed her true identity and spilled the water into
the dry earth and a blue spring appeared miraculously. In honor of their benevolent
Bodhisattva, the Fujian villagers began adding blue mallow flowers to represent the
crystal blue spring water.
Blue Spring Oolong’s smooth and mellow character will enhance any tea party. The
compassionate nature of this tea make it suitable for gathering with old friends and
making new ones.
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