“Very classic raspberry infusion, tried and true. Flavourful, rich, slightly sour, very fruity (more in hibiscus and rose buds than raspberry).” Read full tasting note
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Aronia z maliną from Malwa
Malina z pigwą from Herbapol
Superfruits Malina & Granat from Vitax
Brusnica malina & baza from Mistral
Brusinka a Malina (Cranberry Raspberry) from Apotheke
Herbatka na zimno - Malina Granat from Herbapol
Passionfruit Oolong from Naivetea
The Enchanted Orchard from The Country House Co.
Watermelon Baozhong from Liquid Proust Teas
Daily Balance from Teatox
Pineapple Sencha from Den's Tea
Fruity Ginger from Teaopia