“With the second infusion, I steeped for six minutes. Still can’t bring myself to 15 minutes. This infusion is also delicious, although it is a little different than the first infusion. I notice...” Read full tasting note
“Malty-Sweet-and-Creamy! This is FAB! BUT…I didn’t steep long enough…Oops! It say 15 minutes! I will try that. I usually infuse for about 3 minutes for a white and that is what I did here. It’s...” Read full tasting note
Recognisably malty, this is a beautiful tea not only to drink but to look at. The long white velvety buds of White Assam have a rich floral aroma and produce a rich flowery liquor that has good definition but without astringency. This is a lovely, highly exclusive and most beautifully made tea from the Methola Estate, located on the south bank of the great Brahamaputra river in eastern Assam. It is one that matches the very best white teas from China but with the rich maltiness that is exclusive to Assam. No other white teas are known to be produced in Assam. The buds are meticulously hand picked in early spring and are then air dried. Brew for fifteen minutes. This is a highly prized and unique white tea.
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