“Smooth. I have missed drinking this…added a bit of sugar crystals in brew basket. Three minute infusion. Yum.” Read full tasting note
“I wanted to try this tea sweetened but I only realized as I brewed the cup that I only had cherry-flavoured creamed honey, lol! It doesn’t seem to have hurt the flavour of the tea though – if...” Read full tasting note
“So I’ve been wanting to try the GM Sampler for a while now. However, yesterday I opened up the mailbox and SURPRISE! Ricky had sent me some tea! The package included the two Golden Moon teas...” Read full tasting note
“Tried this one with a little longer steep time today, bumped it up to four minutes (we usually do our blacks at about 2-3). It made this one a little more heady, and definitely a lot more malty. ...” Read full tasting note
For Sinharaja we use rich, dark loose leaf tea leaves that are nourished by fertile rain forest streams in the hills of Ceylon. It has a toasty, molasses-like character with ripe berry notes and a caramelized finish. Serve with a touch of raw sugar and cream for a taste that is smooth, full-bodied and warming.
Our owner, Marcus Stout, drinks a lot of tea. He actually drinks so much that sometimes we think he may start sprouting leaves! And no matter what day it is, he always starts his morning with Sinharaja. This rich black tea is not only one of Marcus’ favorites, but it was also named the #1 tea by the food critics at Gayot. Sinharaja has everything you want in a strong black tea. It is smooth, rich, complex, and can stand up to milk. In fact, that is how Marcus drinks this tea. With 2% milk and a dollop of honey.
Pure Black Tea Grown Bordering the Sinharaja Rainforest.
1) Bring fresh, filtered water to a boil
2) Pour over your tea leaves in a teapot
(1 spoonful of tea per serving)
3) Steep 4 minutes
4) Stir, strain, and enjoy!
Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.