I’m not totally sure how I feel about “spicy” kombucha…
I’ve had a handful of kombucha with ginger or turmeric, but usually it’s not my thing at all. Something compelled me to try this one, though – not really sure why. Usually, when a company offers a ginger/turmeric/spiced kombucha I just skip over it and don’t try it. This was weird; it’s got some ginger notes that pop out and some turmeric heat/warmth. It also tastes very woody/clearly of rooibos. However, I just don’t enjoy that flavour combo with the acidity/vinegar-y taste of kombucha or the combination.
I like other fizzy drinks with “spices” (ginger ale/beer, cola, etc.) – but I guess just not these ones…
I am glad I tried it, though.
Turmeric, rooibos, and kombucha? Ick. Definitely not my cup of tea!