Flow Inverse Tea was kind enough to gift me with some tea samples to try out, including this one. As most of y’all know, I don’t tend to drink a lot of straight green teas outside of anything that has been roasted, but this one intrigued me since it’s not all too typical to see a Chinese green that has been steamed instead of the more traditional pan-firing process. I enjoyed this session quite a lot but that was probably because it captured pretty much all of my favourite tasting notes in all my “exception to the rule” green teas: soybean, chestnut, nori, sweetgrass. The only thing it was missing was that cool, crisp cucumber pulp or sugar snap note I love. But even still, if these tasting notes were playing cards then I would have sworn I was playing with a loaded deck. Overall, smooth, buttery and medium bodied. A very solid first impression from this new-to-me tea company, and now I’m even more stoked to try the black tea they sent me!
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C9fP7l1uci2/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylUcnX3-he0