Tea type
Oolong Tea
Not available
Butterscotch, Grass, Milk, Straw
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by dreamloomer
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec 4 g 10 oz / 300 ml

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4 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Couldn’t find a listing for this one, Lynne-tea, so I made one! Let me know if this is in the wrong place. So I stumbled across a milk oolong in my pile from Lynne-tea, and as I haven’t had one in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wonderful milky aroma with hints of grassy, strawy oolong in the background. Very rich taste, especially after it cools down a bit, milky, grassy, with distinct butterscotch character. Wonderful...” Read full tasting note

From Five O'Clock Tea & Coffee Shops

Zielona herbata oolong pochodząca z regionu Anxi w południowej części prowincji Fujian. Przy degustacji na pierwszy plan wysuwa się wysoka, złożona aromatyczność, która dominuje nad mocą herbaty. Wyczuwa się przyjemny mleczny posmak o słodowej nucie. Subtelność i łagodność naparu jest doceniana przez zwolenników delikatnych herbat białych i zielonych. Listki zwinięte na kształt małych kuleczek, w trakcie zaparzania ukazują swoje piękno.
Wspaniale smakuje o każdej porze dnia, rewelacyjna na zakończenie posiłku. Bogactwo smaku i aromatu można odnaleźć w lekko przestudzonym naparze. Polecana miłośnikom nietuzinkowych posmaków. Mile zaskoczy w trakcie degustacji.

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4 Tasting Notes

6111 tasting notes

Couldn’t find a listing for this one, Lynne-tea, so I made one! Let me know if this is in the wrong place.

So I stumbled across a milk oolong in my pile from Lynne-tea, and as I haven’t had one in a while, it sounded very appetizing to brew some up… soooo I did!

The cup smells incredibly caramelly (like Milk-fuls?) and delicious, and the flavour is similar, leaving the mouth with an intense caramelized milk flavour after swallowing. Heavenly. I have no idea if this one is “flavoured” or not, but it’s lovely. Milk oolongs are so wonderful :D

Thanks so much, Lynne-tea!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

You’re welcome! I didn’t make a listing for it as I did not get a response from the company to try and get more shipped. I therefore decided I would just enjoy the tea as is without documenting it (in all honesty, it would make it easier for me to forget about it once it’s gone as there is no definitive supply line… I have no idea how much shipping would be as the site [even translated from Polish to English] is hard to get a grasp of international shipping…which could end up being extremely expensive…phooey!)
This was definitely not a flavoured milk oolong :D… here is a link to the tea http://www.fiveoclock.eu/pl/produkt/1076,CHINA-OOLONG-MILKY.html

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412 tasting notes

Wonderful milky aroma with hints of grassy, strawy oolong in the background.
Very rich taste, especially after it cools down a bit, milky, grassy, with distinct butterscotch character.
Wonderful milky oolong.

Flavors: Butterscotch, Grass, Milk, Straw

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 4 g 10 OZ / 300 ML

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