Oy, what a week. Teeth-clenching, nonstop work week followed in the evenings by in-law visit (actually that part wasn’t so bad, other than the inability to come home and sit in my Spot and drool).
Our little shabby house doesn’t accommodate company well, so they camped more comfortably at a Hampton Inn, where we lobby-lounged and visited yesterday; this was the available food-service bagged tea. Considering the setting and hot-pot water of indeterminate temperature, it wasn’t bad. Plenty of mint over “something” in the background; there’s supposedly hibiscus, but it wasn’t noticeable. Don’t be scared if this is your only available option.
On the fun side, hubby’s 89-year-old Mema (you need to meet her; she’s so cool) brought me a bagful of vintage jewelry and scarves straight out of Mary Tyler Moore. Remember those shaped polyester neck scarves with a ruffly edge? (Maybe not; I think I have underwear that’s older than some of you :) At any rate, I’m looking forward to playing dress-up to figure out how to wear them.