Had this sitting around for a while and finally made a cup the other night just because it was the first one I pulled out that said caffeine free— I really liked it, though! Fruity, tasted like berries and slightly tart. Warm and pleasant for sitting about chatting with my friend as I was doing that night. I was worried I might have fallen in love with a limited edition, but it looks like it’s available from Dryad, so I will probably pick up a full package.
Especially as I apparently did not close the sample packet well and picked it up wrong and ended up losing half of it to my counter today.
I didn’t actually realize I hadn’t tried this one before, since I’d grabbed it randomly. I thought it was one I had had previously. So I’ll have to do another tasting to see what other flavors I notice since I wasn’t paying full attention. But it was notable enough that I remembered liking it quite a bit, so there is that.
Flavors: Berries, Floral