“Just finishing up a cup! I think I am going to send the rest to Azzrian! Woooooooooooooooooo! Pow! BAM!” Read full tasting note
“I am enjoying a cup of this with my breakfast, and my opinion hasn’t changed on it since the first time I tried it – it is a delightful Ceylon, nicely brisk (especially considering it’s a Ceylon)...” Read full tasting note
“This brews up dark but not with a strong scent, surprisingly. The scent that is there is slightly malty with a light and slightly spicy “dark tea smell”. Pleasant. The taste is dark on the front...” Read full tasting note
“This is a rich smokey flavor that you will enjoy if you like a strong tea. Love this!” Read full tasting note
Ceylon is the ancestral name of the island nation of Sri Lanka, located off the southeastern coast of India. The name of the country was changed in 1972 but the teas are still known as Ceylon’s.
Bring water to boil (212)
Number of Infusions -1
Sweetener – Optional
Cream – Optional
Water Temp (degrees F) – 212
Steep Time – 3-5 Minutes
Caffeine – Strong
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