Amaretto Blush

Tea type
Black Tea
Almond, Black Tea, Cranberry, Natural Flavours, Safflower Petals
Almond, Astringent, Brisk, Cherry
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by FairyPrime
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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From Dollar Tea Club

Italian Amaretto is a liqueur made of almonds, burnt sugar and the pure essence of 17 herbs and fruits. Amaretto has been prepared the same way since 1525. Legend has it that the drink was developed by the daughter of an innkeeper in Saronno, a small city near Milan.

It seems the young woman was posing for a local artist who had been commissioned to paint a fresco in a local Basilica, the Basilica di Santa Maria delle Grazie. The young woman was so smitten with the handsome painter that she concocted a love potion, Amaretto, to give to him in hopes of winning his heart. Amaretto was born. The painter fell in love. Now, roughly 500 years later it is easy to fall in love with this sweet beverage.

After tasting the drink many years ago, the unique mélange of almond and fruit was used to create Amaretto Blush. The cup tends a wonderful nutty astringency with hints of cherry and sweet sugar that really opens with a touch of milk. An excellent tea!

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4 Tasting Notes

986 tasting notes

TeaTiff TTB #31

I kept a few small 1-cup samples and single teabags from the box to throw in my desk drawer at work, this being one of them. I love almond flavoring and don’t tend to care for cherry, so amaretto is always hit and miss for me. This one, unfortunately, is a miss. The flavor definitely tips more cherry than almond and is pretty mild overall. The base tea is rather brisk and astringent, leaving me wishing I had some milk to smooth it out. Not a fan!

Flavors: Almond, Astringent, Brisk, Cherry

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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15575 tasting notes

some day there will be a dollar tea club tea that i love. this was not that tea. atringent and meh. thanks for trying Variatea!

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6444 tasting notes

A is for…Amaretto Blush

2/4 of my “A” teas are almond-inspired – this being one of them. I have a weird time with almond teas because I like the nut, don’t mind amaretto, and dislike marzipan. So it depends how the flavour comes through as to whether I’d enjoy the tea or not. Usually almond reads marzipan so I’m normally not a fan and as such I tend to go in with low expectations.

This tea ended up being better than expected. I think the cranberry helps a lot. Plus it’s definitely more nut/amaretto than marzipan. It almost a cherry quality to it between the amaretto and cranberry combining. The base tea also rounds this out nicely, though is a touch brisk. I’m surprised at how much I’m enjoying this but also don’t need more than the sample I have.

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252 tasting notes

It was ok. The black tea flavor overpowered any other flavor present

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