Hmmm. I never know how to brew multi-leaf blends! So strange. White and black! No shades of grey here hahahaa
So. The tea. At near boiling, this was interesting. Not quite up to speed for my tastes, being a little mild, so I added milk and honey. Much better! I can taste the white part, coming in as a high note astringency.
Next, I brought the temp way down to see if that changed anything, letting the cup cool for about a minute. Ewww. Do not like at all.
Would I get this again? I think so, one day. One of those comforting teas I could drink all afternoon, out of my pot. Not because I am in love with it, but because it’s naturally unassuming and not in your face. Though if I did that, I’d probably add milk and sugar for the first cup and then have the rest bare.
(backlog from last week)