“Another one that smells intensely of honey. I seem to be on a kick with honey-flavored teas today. I’ve never had straight mate before, only blends, so this is probably the purest one I’ve...” Read full tasting note
“got this for my boyfriend. him and my good gal pal are both big mate fans. i’m kinda meh about them. i mean sure i like them just fine. but if i have a choice i’m always gonna go towards the damp...” Read full tasting note
“Once this brewed up, this smelled like Honeybee from Davids, but taste…no. Ugh no. It tastes like honeyed black licorice. It was a coldbrew I will not be repeating and the wifey has a bunch of swap...” Read full tasting note
We have added the delicious taste of honey and spiced-up ginger to the classic south of the equator Yerba Mate. This Mate truly delivers to your taste buds the flavors of honey and ginger along side the classic mate taste. A bit roasted? Yes, A bit like something you’ve never had? Yes! And that’s all the more reason to give this delicious Mate a try!
Ingredients: roasted mate, honey flavoring, ginger bits
Suggested brewing tips:
- Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving
- Water Temp: 212 degree or to a boil
- Steep Time: 5 minutes or to taste
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