So I’m not entirely sure how to feel about this one.
Well start by saying that it smells amazing, no doubt. Then at first the tea its self was as expected. Sweet grass, sweet grains, etc. Good, but not amazing.
And then it goes from sweet grain to sweet pasta. And I don’t want to say it tastes like Alphagetti, but it 100% tastes like Alphagetti. Now that’s not strictly unpleasant, but it’s not what I want in a tea. At the very least, it’s a little odd.
But THEN it starts to taste like bread and butter. And I’ve been looking for a tea that tastes like bread because honestly, if I could live off bread I would. This gets huge points there.
And then we’re back to the Alphagetti…
So probably not a buy for me. I’ll leave the limited quantities to someone who isn’t having as much of a roller coaster ride with this one.
I do kind of want to buy a baguette now though…
Flavors: Bread, Butter, Grain, Sweet
My recollection was that it was better than most ceylons I’d encountered, but I don’t particularly like ceylon, so, meh. Most of my DTs (even the really old ones; I have many pre-2015) have decently retained flavour, if they were sealed in the foil baggies they use. The tinned ones have not.
It was indeed sealed in a foil baggie, but I honestly found it to be a bit boring. I haven’t had many Ceylons, so maybe I don’t like the profile either. I got another Ceylon as a mystery tea from What-Cha, which should be more representative of the type.