The rating, temperature and time buttons are stubborn, aren’t they?!? I steeped at 98C for 4 minutes as advised by label.
Caramel on the nose and palate. I poured some In a clear glass to assess colour: caramel. Duh. It looks like a nice bourbon or a dark rum.
Found 4 minutes to be perfect as a first steep for me. Sometime four minutes is way too much (buddha’s blend from DAVIDs TEA for example) so was worried but went with it for testing purposes. Caramel through and through. I hate milk but I can see this would be delicious as a creamier version. Maybe I bastardize it with coffee mate and see what happens.
I would love to do blind tastings on teas and write notes without having prior knowledge of ingredient base… but I can’t since I’m buying them based on their online descriptions, not based on sampling. Why do I say this? Because this tea smells and taste like caramel to me. But then I read “English toffee” on the ingredient list and I think to myself: is it caramel that I taste, or English toffee? And what about the coconut?
Will replace, at least until a better caramel tea comes along.