“Backlog 2/10 This one was sent to me in the big box from LiberTEAS I got a while ago and I haven’t gotten around to trying it until recently. I had this one right before I went into my HUGE...” Read full tasting note
“This Tulsi tisane by Davidson’s is an unadulterated blend of the three varieties of holy basil that make up their Tulsi line. The fragrance is a minty oregano that takes on a subtle lemon essence...” Read full tasting note
“3 Tulsi’s!? Very nice! Nice blend of all 3! It’s a good Tulsi herbal…unflavored. The natural hints of basil and mint come thru at brief points thru-out the sip and fade away pleasantly. This...” Read full tasting note
“This tulsi blend is a total staple in my tea cabinet, and at the prices available online, a total steal. You have no excuse not to have a bag full of tulsi in your kitchen! Right now I am sipping...” Read full tasting note
Tulsi Pure Leaves (Loose Leaf) combines three adaptogenic varieties of Tulsi (Krishna, Rama, and Vana).
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