“Co-worker: What’s Burning? ME: My tea…well, it’s not burning…it’s just a smoky tea CW: ok…weird. ME: It’s a nice standard LS I suppose…black tea – smoked…simple. It’s ok!” Read full tasting note
“As some of you probably know, I am not a huge fan of Lapsang Souchong. The smoky essence tends to be a bit overwhelming to my palate. But, I have been attempting to gain some appreciation for it....” Read full tasting note
“I FINALLY have a Lapsang back in my cuboard! I have definitely missed the smokiness. This version is serviceable but not as smoky as I was expecting based on the intense bacon/jerky aroma. I will...” Read full tasting note
“HOLY DISGUSTINGNESS! Ok so this was my first attempt with Lapsang Souchong, but OMG! I opened the package to sniff and expected a delightful aroma. Instead I got barbequed dirt… And a case of the...” Read full tasting note
A superior leaf Lapsang Souchong offering a smooth, crisp, and heady aroma of an oak wood fire. A popular and certainly unique black tea.
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