White Chocolate Spice Chai

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Black Chai Blend
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Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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From Culinary Teas

This Spiced Chai has seasonal Malabar Coast spices, the sweet caramel comes to the fore front with a sensuous Belgian White Chocolate finish. Spices include Ginger, Cardamom, Coriander, Cinnamon, Cloves and Black Pepper.

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10 Tasting Notes

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6119 tasting notes

Another sample from LiberTEAS! Thank you!

Clearly I’m not so good at this work thing.

Anyhow, the smell of the dry tea is really just of chai spicing. Nothing particularly special, although it does smell good. I’m excited to see the white chocolate chips in the bag, though!

Steeped, I’m definitely still smelling spices, but one in particular is overwhelming the rest. I’m not exactly sure which it is though. I can definitely smell black pepper… perhaps it’s just the combination of that with the other spices that is throwing me a bit. Ok, mixed it up a tad and it now smells more like a standard chai (or what I’m used to, anyhow). Interesting – I think I can smell some citrus? Or something that smells citrusey. And definitely cloves as well, although it’s thankfully not overpowering.

Eek. I do not think this is a tea that’s meant to be consumed straight. It is too heavily spiced! Consequently it is bitter and… not all that great. Luckily, I have my travel TImolino here, so into it goes the chai, to be taken home and milked/sweetened. I do think this will be tasty once it has some milk and sugar, but right now it is too potent for me! Updates to come.

ETA: Tasty loaded with milk and sugar. I get the creamy notes this way (moreso than a regular chai). I’ll have to re-review later.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

This tea is fantastic. A wonderful way to wake up.

Serving this non-latte, with just a little turbinado sugar to enhance the spices, this is an amazingly good chai. The description is pretty spot on, with caramel-y tones in the foreground and the white chocolate coming through near the finish. It’s very delicious. The spices are somewhat mild, but along with the smooth white chocolate finish comes a little peppery kick. Overall, it is warm and sweet and very yummy.

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297 tasting notes

I received this in a swap from Darby. White chocolate is my fav type of chocolate, so creamy so sweet, delicious.
This is definitely one spicy smelling chai, that is however the only smell I am getting. I love the white chips in it. I had to add a few more because I just knew that the few small chips wouldn’t make enough of a white chocolate difference, so I did.
Upon pouring it has a very creamy like colour ohh should be yummy.
Wow this has to be the spiciest chai I have tasted, one of the spices comes out at the front I just can’t quite place it, maybe nutmeg. It’s also creamy I think from my added white chips, although I am getting no white chocolate flavour. Perhaps a little honey would bring it out. As this tea sits and cools slightly it looses the creaminess and becomes bitter. Unfortunetly I can’t chug a hot cup of tea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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4336 tasting notes

Additional notes: I’ve been drinking this ancientness because it tastes really good steeping the stove boiling method of brewing I’ve been doing. Despite never really tasting like white chocolate. But I’m enjoying the strength of the spices and black tea lately, especially on this snowy day. Almost sad to finish it! And yes, STILL boiling water on the stove but I have a new sinktop water filter on the way that will hopefully solve my chlorine water problem. Some of my oldest teas have been tasting really good lately, so that is some tea aging magic right there. I’m happy to drink some older teas before I have this water filter thing figured out. Soon!
2020 Sipdowns: 13

And in case anyone has missed it, there is a new travelling teabox started in the forums, the ‘Samurai’ TTB thanks to SkySamurai halfway starting it. More signups welcome!


Come to think of it, can you think of any teas that have a prominent white chocolate note? I feel like most that claim to have white chocolate fall short. Or end up tasting ultra artificial leaving a greasy film on top (like DAVIDsTEA blends, ugh).


I really haven’t tried too many white chocolate teas , I’m dark chocolate all the way (there really don’t seem to be too many). But you’re right, it would be a hard tea to do that wouldn’t be filmy. I enjoyed 52Teas White Grasshopper blend, so I’m sure if anyone can do a great white chocolate tea, it’s probably Anne.


I notice Culinary it still open so it is hard not to order this one again. sigh. I need to tell myself I can’t reorder a tea every time I finish a tea. sigh.

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58 tasting notes

I am a huge fan of dessert teas and of chai teas as well. Though the white chocolate flavor gets a bit lost in this tea, it’s sweet and spice flavor mix does provide for a delicious cup. I think I will play around with adding a bit more white chocolate or extra milk or even over ice to see how that effects the flavor. There is something really good here, it just needs a bit of love to bring it out more! I’ll post another note once I have mixed it up a bit.

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92 tasting notes

I love white chocolate, but I’m not sure how the taste translates to tea, since I think it just tastes like sugar and cocoa butter. I threw this into my order because it sounded interesting. The samples from Culinary teas are huge – twice the size of most companies!

The smell of the dry leaves is dusty, and intensely of cloves. I was not excited as cloves are almost my least favorite part of chai (though still, better that than star anise!) I brewed up a whole pot of this to share with my husband. There is an oily sheen to the top of the tea, likely from the melted white chocolate chips. First sip (no additions) is really all about the cloves. It’s sharp and a bit unpleasant. But chai needs milk and sugar, so I added both to my cup.

It’s nicer with the milk, which tames the clove a bit. I still think the flavor is unbalanced. There is a slight creaminess, but I can’t really taste the white chocolate (that’s ok, I didn’t think I would!) I do like the bite of black pepper at the end. My husband, who is far more sensitive to bitter tastes than I, took one sip of his tea and then immediately headed to the fridge for his cinnamon coffee creamer. I don’t believe in non-dairy creamer, so I can’t say, but he said the cinnamon made it much better. I can’t really recommend this one – I would like more spice, but less cloves. Drinkable, but a bit of a last resort tea for me!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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