2019 Spring Golden Tip Lapsang Souchong

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Black Tea
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From Crafted Leaf Tea

Golden Tip Lapsang Souchong Black Tea is known as Cai Cha Lapsang Souchong by the local people. You might assume that all lapsang souchong teas have a bitter, smoky taste, as long as you have some knowledge of the traditional pine-tree drying process used to make it; this time, however, since this is both a high-quality and semi-wild tea, this particular type has amazing unique characters and no hint of bitterness in its flavor.

Unlike other wild teas,this golden tip lapsang souchong gives off a strong dried orchid & longan aroma and also with a light but smooth dark chocolate base note without any astringency. The mellow taste, and reddish golden liquid brought out by the traditional rolling process all contribute to its exotic and unique flavor. Once you drink this tea, you will never forget about it

Origin: Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province, China

Date of Pick: 2019 Spring

Altitude: 1200m

Bud to Leaf Ratio: 1 bud : 1 leaf

Taste: Strong flavor of logan & dark chocolate aroma,smooth and rich mouthfeel,leaving an impression of sweet caramel taste.

Tea Bush : Wild Caicha

Caffeine: Less than 30% of a cup of coffee

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2 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes

You ever think about how crazy we must sometimes sound when describing the beauty of tea leaves to people who just, like, don’t give a fuck!? I was looking at the gorgeous golden tips scattered throughout the fine black and umber leaves, and I had the thought to myself “Wow, this is like looking at porn” and then that was immediately followed by “…and most people would find you crazy for thinking that”. They’re fucking gorgeous though! Plus, the tea is as delicious – really malty and full bodied with some cocoa, sweet potato, and raisin notes. Makes for a damn good Western cuppa!

Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/CO8EUjtAoHg/

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBo46xCHX1A&ab_channel=MexicanSummerMexicanSummer

Mastress Alita

As an asexual, porn does absolutely nothing for me. But looking through teaware listings on Etsy?! Oh baby… steams from collar

Roswell Strange

Haha, that could be it! As someone also asexual, maybe my view of gorgeous tea leaves that are as enticing as (I imagine) porn is just… off XD

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