I was offered a cup of this tea while browsing around in a Crabtree & Evelyn store. They’ve really expanded on their tea and food offerings recently, and there was a whole display with various kinds of tea, biscuits, and fruit preserves. While tea is still not the first thing people would think of when this company is mentioned, my parents have a tin of their Afternoon Tea, and my previous experiences with it were pretty good.
The base of this tea is similar to the Afternoon Tea, with sweet florals on a loamy/earthy backdrop. There is a slight touch of acidity. The bergamot presence is subtle but lingering on the finish. The overall effect is a soft and gentle tea. My impression may have been skewed toward the positive by the nice surprise of being given a free sample, but it was quite enjoyable!
I can see them making linen spray out of that!
Tea scented linen spray…I’d go for that!