Elder Berry

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Fruit Tea
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11 Tasting Notes View all

From Cheryl's Herbs

Sambucus nigra/canadensis

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11 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

Drinking my daily cup of Elderberry. I went by Cheryl’s yesterday to restock, & I have to say, this is the best Elderberry I’ve ever had!! Although the berries are dried, they have a juicy fruitiness to the aroma & taste, I feel like I’m Anne of Greene Gables, drinking a cordial. The brew is rich, sweet, & thick with flavor, & I think I’m gonna have to buy a lb of these this year!
It’s a rare treat when ‘medicine’ tastes so good that I look forward to my next cup!


Dang Terri, if we ever do a swap I am requesting some of this! :D

Terri HarpLady

If you ever want a swap, I’m in! Otherwise, I’ll toss some into the next box I send to Sil for you :)


Stevia, bleh


Wait, am I looking at the right one? Is it under herbs because none of these are named Elderberry.


Is it just some of the dried elderberries under the herb section and not the tea section?


yes it’s under herbs….just dried elderberries. :) brews up really nicely heh but it’s not a “tea”

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, just the straight Elderberries in the herb section.

Terri HarpLady

If you order any, tell them Terry HarpLady sent you, LOL.
Of course, they know me as Terri the Harp Player, but I’m sure they’ll figure out the connection.


Sweet!! yes Terri we should swap! :P


i’m watching you IB….


I had totally forgotten I had elderberry lozenges stashed away. They actually taste pretty good.

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15575 tasting notes

I found more of this lurking in my cupboard, though i thought i had finished this up ages ago. I’m fighting something at the moment so i figured this was the perfect time to really finish it off :) Of course it also makes me want to go pick up more of verdant’s elderberry herbal to drink heh

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