I snagged this sample online from the seller for cheap. I followed the instructions, boiling it for 2 minutes, 1T sugar, adding milk, stirring and reheat, strain and serve. It didn’t work out well. I wish I could of just steeped this stuff normally as boiling tea on the stove for a busy person just goes badly. Of course, the tea boiled over that few moments I was gone grabbing my mug in the dining room. I used a small sauce pan used for making sauces – even has little pouring nooks. Of course, the tea poured mostly on the counter, and missed the strainer in my mug so I got chunks. User failure for sure in preparation.
The result? Bitter, burnt tasting chai. The spice level is nice, sort of dark chocolately, but bitter oversteeped CTC black and where ever the burnt taste came from, bleh!