“The more I drink this one, the more I love it. It’s smoky and chocolaty, lightly spiced. It’s very dark and rich. I also feel like I’m doing something good for my body with the addition of nettles,...” Read full tasting note
Cedar Smoked Fermented Black Tea
If you’ve never enjoyed the decadence of smoked & fermented Lapsang Souchong & Pu’er tea, get ready for your life to change. Smokey Taboo is a dark, smokey blend to deliver caffeine in the most efficient and extravagant way possible. Through fermented black teas, chai spices, resinous hardwoods, Sandalwood smoke, rich Chicory and Cacao and nutritive Reishi and Nettle. Add a touch of honey and cream and enjoy the best moment of your whole day.
Ingredients: Cedarwood, Juniper Leaf and Berry, Cacao Nib, Sandalwood Chips and Smoke, Nettle, Reishi Mushroom, Chicory, Ginger, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Allspice, Clove, Black Pepper, Cayenne, Smokey Lapsang Souchong and Pu’er Black Teas
Suggested Dose: 1 heaping tbsp. per 8oz steeped a minimum of 5 min.
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