Feng Qing Mini Tea Bricks

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Black Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The instructions for Gaiwan use states to use 95°C water and start with 1 minute infusions until the brick separates and continue with 45 seconds – 60 seconds steeps. It also recommends at least 10...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another tea from Sil. I almost bought some of these same mini bricks from Yunnan Sourcing, just out of curiousity. I’m glad I didn’t. They aren’t anything I’d want to have around. Worth trying though.” Read full tasting note
  • “meh. Great Canadian Travelling Teabox so i don’t even know what to say about this one. it’s not bad..but it’s just blah. boring. uninspiring…and i had great hopes from the description. I’ve made...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea #8 Great Canadian Traveling Tea Box I’m confused (I know, that’s not unusual for me). I was expecting this to be pu’erh. Is it suppose to be pu’erh? It doesn’t smell like it, it doesn’t taste...” Read full tasting note

From Canton Tea Co

HARVEST DATE: Autumn 2012

Feng Qing is the home of Chinese black tea. It is from here that the world-famous Dian Hong (Yunnan Black) tea originates, and one of the world’s oldest tea trees resides.

Feng Qing lies on the ancient trade route known as ‘Tea Horse Road’, established during the Song Dynasty, via which trade was conducted between Tibet and China. These mini-bricks hark back to the days when black tea was compressed into bricks to make it easier to transport on the 2,300km journey.

As opposed to other Chinese black teas, teas from Yunnan have a high proportion of golden tips, so the liquor lacks the bitterness of other black tea and is smooth and sweet on the palate.


Once infused, smell the wet leaves as they start to break away from the brick. There is an intense aroma of dark chocolate with an edge of coffee bitterness and an almost orangey citrus hint. The liquor is smooth, rich and deep with long-lasting caramel and chocolate notes on the finish.

About Canton Tea Co View company

Canton Tea Co is a London-based tea company trading in high grade, whole leaf Chinese tea. We have exclusive access to some of the best jasmine, white, green, oolong, black and authentic puerh teas available. In our first year, we scooped Six Golds at the 2009 Guild of Fine Food Great Taste Awards. Our Jasmine Pearls won the top three star gold award, endorsing it as the best available in the UK.

9 Tasting Notes

1379 tasting notes

The instructions for Gaiwan use states to use 95°C water and start with 1 minute infusions until the brick separates and continue with 45 seconds – 60 seconds steeps. It also recommends at least 10 servings per brick.

Steep One – 1 minute
Very little to describe as the brick is still compact but there is a gentle sweetness.

Steep Two – 1 minute
Light brown in colour with a subtle malt scent. A little flavour is present but again not much, it’s sweet, a little fruity and smooth.

Steep Three – 1 minute
My husband was first to note an almost citrus like tang which is still very subtle and my brick has yet to separate.

Steep Four – 1 minute
There is a sweet caramel tone that smooths over the citrus. Still the brick is whole.

Steep Five – 1 minute
It carries the caramel flavour well and remains very light and refreshing.

Steep Six – 1 minute
Brown in colour but still no real scent to speak of. The tea is still sweet and smooth with a little earthiness like dried Autumn leaves (which funnily enough is what this tea actually is). Still the brick is whole with only a few little bits that have been separated.

Steep Seven – 1 minute
Slight darker in colour with notable sweet yet musky malt tones in fragrance. Still silky smooth caramel sweetness but the fruit has been reduced to the after taste.

Steep Eight – 1 minute
Golden brown in colour with a stronger earthy malt scent. It slips down so easily like silk, delicious sweet caramel and fruit tones with dark chocolate highlights whilst remaining light.

Steep Nine – 1 minute
It’ starting to reduce in colour and flavour. It’s fruity once again with rich malt sweetness. Sort of like a citrus malt cake/loaf.

Steep Ten – 1 minute
I have decided the citrus notes resemble orange the most. Very subtle once again to leave me with a sweet smooth finish.

For pictures and more information please view my blog.

205 °F / 96 °C

I’m totally jealous, I’ve been dying to try tea from the Canton Tea Co but I live in the states and the shipping costs are too much for me to justify ordering some


@Jen Yunnan Sourcing have a few of the exact same teas as Canton from the same suppliers but it’s cheaper and based in China so shipping to USA is average priced.




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3294 tasting notes

Another tea from Sil.
I almost bought some of these same mini bricks from Yunnan Sourcing, just out of curiousity. I’m glad I didn’t. They aren’t anything I’d want to have around. Worth trying though.

Dag Wedin

I found them practical to bring along for outings :)
As for the tea itself, mediocre.

Terri HarpLady

Exactly! I almost bought them to bring along, & in my mind they would taste like feng qing pearls, but sadly, they did not.

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15575 tasting notes

meh. Great Canadian Travelling Teabox

so i don’t even know what to say about this one. it’s not bad..but it’s just blah. boring. uninspiring…and i had great hopes from the description. I’ve made a few steeps just to run through the different flavour profiles and it’s over all just kind of boring.

And the world (or at least my cupboard) doesn’t need more boring tea.

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1040 tasting notes

Tea #8 Great Canadian Traveling Tea Box

I’m confused (I know, that’s not unusual for me). I was expecting this to be pu’erh. Is it suppose to be pu’erh? It doesn’t smell like it, it doesn’t taste like it. To me this is a mild black tea. There is a hint of maltiness, a hint of cocoa, but not bold enough for me. I used one brick to 8 oz of water, and have done 4 steeps of it. The second steep was the best.
It’s ok, but nothing special in a black. If it’s suppose to be a pu’erh total disaster. I’m just going to not dwell on it and move on. It would hurt my poor head too much to try and understand.
Edit: As per Kittyloves Tea’s comment. I’ve rated this as if it were a black. Makes me feel better that this is suppose to be a black tea. Taste buds didn’t fail me this time. I didn’t think it tasted pu’erh. I was underwhelmed with it as a black tea. Nothing really wrong, just not bold enough for my tastes.


This is a black tea that has been compressed. I don’t mean to pimp myself out or anything but I did a blog entry on this a while ago with information on it’s origin and information etc. http://www.kittylovestea.co.uk/2013/03/17/the-gift-of-feng-qing/

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871 tasting notes

Thank you KittyLovesTea for this in a swap.

I have never much liked pu-erh, but I also don’t think I have ever had really good pu-erh.

Each mini brick is individually wrapped and looks to be in immaculate condition. They smell like dark chocolate, cocoa and burnt caramel.

I so much wanted to like this pu-erh, but sadly after it was brewed, I was getting the same tastes I didn’t like from the other ones I have tried. I decided to cold brew this one to see if it made a difference in the taste. Sometimes cold brewing can change the taste profile of the tea, so I thought it was wise to try. The one mistake I made, was I put the new brick into some water, when I should have made some hot tea, then re-steeped the leaves as the cold brew. After 41 hours, the brick has expanded, but has not broken apart. It took a long time for the brew to steep.

It was a medium brown colour, slightly red tinge. It has the cocoa, burnt caramel tastes but there is also that earty, dirt-like taste that I do not like.

I was able to drink most of this brew, but not something I would enjoy on a regular basis at all. I am most likely willing to try more of this tea. Will see what happens.

Iced 8 min or more

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239 tasting notes

1P (ca 6g) / 220ml Zhuni yixingpot

wash(1m)/1m/2m/2:30m @95C

Sweet and malty, hints of chocolate. Not nearly as good as other feng Qing teas. But still decent.
Practical to bring on a picnic etc.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I wasn’t a fan of these bricks either. Did your bricks break apart? Mine stayed solid even through extreme testing methods.

Dag Wedin

It broke apart @ the third infusion.
It may be that i pour the water from some height straight on top of the brick.

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417 tasting notes

I still love this tea. It’s a very mild, sweet, milk-chocolatey tea. This is the kind of tea that would pair with practically anything. It’s mostly the packaging that gets me, though. It comes as little chocolate square-shaped pieces which are wrapped in gold foil. So cute. Both the visuals and the smells remind me of the Cadbury fruit and nut bars my family would buy at Christmas. Definitely a favorite.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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