“I should be in bed asleep by now, since I have to get up at 5am, but I just finished making my breakfast & lunch for tomorrow & cleaning up the kitchen, & I wanted to share a few...” Read full tasting note
From the mountains of Feng Huang in the Guangdong in China, the long twisted leaves typical of this terroir were not roasted as is the case for most teas in the region. Its liquor, soft and sweet, has a wealth of notes of flowers and exotic fruits. Its dominant vegetal and gourmet (almond) character is well nuanced by a long vanilla finish.
Des monts Feng Huang dans le Guangdong en Chine, les longues feuilles torsadées typiques de ce terroir n’ont pas été torréfiées comme c’est le cas pour la plupart des thés de la région. Sa liqueur, douce et sucrée, est riche de ses notes de fleurs et de fruits exotiques. Sa dominante végétale et gourmande (amande) est ainsi nuancée par une longue finale vanillée.
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