L'Ayurvédique Organic

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Basil, Caramel, Clove, Cola, Earth, Grass, Herbaceous, Spicy, Sweet
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Leafhopper
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 oz / 355 ml

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  • “I don’t have much experience with tulsi or gotu kola and I was intrigued enough to buy a big bag of this tea for $6 or so. I might have been hoping that the flavour would be a less sweet version of...” Read full tasting note

From Camellia Sinensis

Well known World-wide for centuries and deeply embedded in Indian culture, Tulsi (holy basil) is a plant renown for its beneficial properties. This herbal tea was created following Ayurvedic concepts, and is as delicious as it is beneficial.

Delicate flavours of fresh parsley and cloves bring a freshness to the palate that awakens the spirit. The finish is supported by fruity accents that make it very accessible.

Combined with Gotu Kola (tiger grass), this blend of Tulsi styles has many virtues. Among the most striking are its adaptogenic, digestive, purifying, anti-stress, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory qualities. It offers balance, warmth, clarity and endurance.

Ingredients: Krishna Tulsi, Rama Tulsi, Vana Tulsi, Gotu Kola, cornflower. (Ocimum sanctum, Ocimum gratissimum, Centella asiatica, Centaurea)

About Camellia Sinensis View company

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1 Tasting Note

454 tasting notes

I don’t have much experience with tulsi or gotu kola and I was intrigued enough to buy a big bag of this tea for $6 or so. I might have been hoping that the flavour would be a less sweet version of Coca Cola. I steeped about 3 g of tea in 355 ml of 190F water for 4, 6, 8, and 10 minutes.

The dry aroma is of basil, cloves, herbs, and cola. The first steep is heavy on the clove, with basil, herbs, caramel, and what I presume is the gotu kola in the background. The flavour is sweet, earthy, and spicy. The next couple steeps are very similar, though the clove fades into the background and the basil becomes more prominent. By the end of the session, the tea is grassy, herbaceous, earthy, and sweet. I probably should have stopped at three steeps, as the last one is kind of watery.

So, does this taste like Coke? Sort of, though it’s too clove heavy to be convincing and is missing a citrus element. This tea is pleasant enough to enjoy on a snowy evening. At least it doesn’t have licorice, hibiscus, or chamomile, which are ubiquitous in most herbal teas.

Flavors: Basil, Caramel, Clove, Cola, Earth, Grass, Herbaceous, Spicy, Sweet

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 OZ / 355 ML

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