Thank you TheLastDodo for the sample! I’m surprised how quickly your package made it to me; usually things from the States take longer to arrive. Crossing my package makes it to you as efficiently!
I have to say, the mix of teas you sent me is both exciting and intimidating. Tons of new to me things; especially all the green teas. Probably like 8/10 of the samples are things I’d have never even come close to picking for myself; but that’s not a bad thing AT ALL because I know I’m gonna learn so much from trying different things! I’m actually dying to try the Tai Ping Houkui but I’m struggling to figure out what to brew it in; the leaves are HUGE…
Suggestions would be appreciated!
I’m drinking this one Western Style with a splash of milk since the tea description mentioned it going well with milk. I wouldn’t have thought so, ‘cause of the Lapsang but it actually does work really nicely. I have to admit; my palate has seriously changed over time because I am loving Lapsang right now. It actually bothers me I don’t have any straight Lapsang stocked right now, because I’ve certainly been craving it. Tre calls in “Gentleman’s Tea” which I think is super charming and adorable, and I’m gonna start doing it too. But yeah, I was really happy to see this in my swap package!
I can tell I’m in a ramble-y, wordy mood so I’m gonna try and keep this short and sweet. But we all no I’m terrible at “run on” tasting notes…
But, it’s obviously smokey from the Lapsang – more of a campfire smoke though than an ashy, tobacco smoke. There’s a lovely, but light, malty note coming from I assume the Assam as well – and an unrefined earthyness from the Pu’Erh, which is probably only exaggerating the “Campfire Smoke” taste. I’m curious is this would taste a little brisker without the milk; thankfully I have enough leaf to revisit and try it again plain! Honestly not sure what the oolongs contributing here; I don’t think I’d know it was in the blend if I hadn’t read it in the description.
Really good though! Thanks so much Dodo! It was nice to come home from work today and brew this one up, since I went without my morning cuppa…
A tall and skinny glass! Maybe a canning jar? Size depends on how much leaf you have, of course. I have a “test tube” glass from Ikea I’m saving for when I get to try long teas. :)
Yeah; I was thinking using the mason jar I typically use for cold brewing. I feel like a tea newb ‘cause I don’t even know if the leaves are gonna need that much expansion room, but if they do I think it MAY be the only thing I have large enough.
Isn’t that 24 oz? Do you have enough leaves for it? :D
Yeah, 25 oz. I need to double check sample size; but I’m like 75% sure I have enough leaf to give it a try once. Dodo was really generous with the sample sizes she sent.
And if not, I suppose I don’t need to make the full 25 oz. jar, right?
True! But those are the really long flat leaves, right? Apparently they “dance” as they steep!
Yeah, they are. I have no clue what you mean by dance – but that sounds fascinating! Maybe I should be doing some research here…
I don’t know what it means either! But I was researching the tea one day, and that’s what someone said. :)