Vanilla Cream

Tea type
Honeybush Tea
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Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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23 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Vanilla! One of my favourite flavours, so very much looking forward to this one. Vanilla cream for sure….so creamy and sweet. But not overly or sickly sweet. The vanilla tastes real, like actual...” Read full tasting note
  • “okay I know I’ve drank this a lot more than it says I have so I must’ve forgotten to log it a few times. Oh well sipping on it now it pales in comparison to the Killer Vanilla I had earlier. Still...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a nice experience even just smelling it in the bag. I haven’t had too many flavored honeybush teas but I do like honeybush plain and sometimes I make it at home with other ingredients i add...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlogging from last night! I was was too exhausted from my trip to actually make a proper note on this one. Ian surprised me by renting a zip car to pick me up at the airport which was...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Vanilla Cream pairs the citrus woodsy notes of honeybush with subtle hints of sweet creamy vanilla. This light South African honeybush is refreshing and does not contain any caffeine. A touch of sugar can be added to enhance the creaminess of this naturally sweet honeybush for a perfect dessert treat.

Recommended Brew Time: 5 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 210 F

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23 Tasting Notes

1184 tasting notes

Vanilla! One of my favourite flavours, so very much looking forward to this one.

Vanilla cream for sure….so creamy and sweet. But not overly or sickly sweet. The vanilla tastes real, like actual vanilla beans instead of gross, fake flavouring. I think Honeybush was a very good choice of base for this tisane (even though it says rooibos on the bag!). Probably the best vanilla tea I have had to date!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Autistic Goblin

A very tasty choice :D glad your enjoying it :D

Butiki Teas

Sorry about that. I keep saying I’m going to update the packaging and description to reflect the new base but keep forgetting to.


Lol that’s ok. I was a little confused at first. Then I tasted it and knew it was honeybush!

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806 tasting notes

okay I know I’ve drank this a lot more than it says I have so I must’ve forgotten to log it a few times. Oh well sipping on it now it pales in comparison to the Killer Vanilla I had earlier. Still a great tea though :D


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2816 tasting notes

This is a nice experience even just smelling it in the bag. I haven’t had too many flavored honeybush teas but I do like honeybush plain and sometimes I make it at home with other ingredients i add to it.

This is a slightly sweet, earthy blend with a touch of vanilla. Sometimes flavored teas can be a bit much but this blend is very subtle. I decided I needed to add some soymilk to mine and this is making for a nice, after lunch dessert tea. It’s simple but good. I might have to try adding some other things to this as well – I am thinking perhaps cardamom? (experiments are fun)

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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15575 tasting notes

Backlogging from last night! I was was too exhausted from my trip to actually make a proper note on this one. Ian surprised me by renting a zip car to pick me up at the airport which was wonderful! And then surprised me with my butiki order when i got home – he’s picked it up on his way home form the post office so that I could just have it this morning :) He pretty much rocks!

I had asked stacy for a sample of this one because I don’t love vanilla teas, but i do love stacy’s teas AND because I need a few more low/zero caffeine teas in my cupboard.

I really enjoyed this tea. The vanilla was less that artificial tasting crap that I hate and more a true vanilla flavour that blended nicely with the rooibos. This made a really pleasant cup of tea. :)

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676 tasting notes

Thank you Butiki for this sample!
Yesterday I drank so much caffinated tea that I was up and down during the night (don’t act like it never happened to you!) . So there’s no way I wanted to repeat that mistake and took down my decaf bin for an evening selection.
Have you noticed how vanilla tea initially tastes ok and then the flavor goes sour? I hate that! Reminds me of fake flavoring with alcohol.Blech!
This vanilla is good! No bad aftertaste and the flavor is mellow not overly bold.

While this is not a mindblowing brew, it is tasty and created well.


jitterbug!! :P

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133 tasting notes

Finished off this one too today! After 3 cups of matcha (!), I think I needed a good honeybush to start winding down…

The creamy vanilla in this blend is hitting the sweet spot that usually starts creeping up at this time of the evening. A little rock sugar helped even more. A little sad that I’m out, but I know where to get more. :)

Boiling 8 min or more

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292 tasting notes

I got about three cups worth of this discontinued tea from QueenOfTarts, and I am so disappointed that I can’t order more.

It is such a delicious, warm vanilla taste, it makes the perfect before bed treat. I steeped this one three times and put one jar in the fridge to try cold… and after discussing vanilla teas a bit with Stacy, I added a pinch of coconut to my third steep. Gaaaaaaah.

I am going to miss this one after my next two cups. Sigh.

5 min, 0 sec

aww, i wonder why it was discontinued. Sounds like one I’d have loved!

Butiki Teas

Unfortunately, it was an under performer. I think rooibos and honeybush in general aren’t real big sellers and vanilla might not sound that exciting I guess.

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60 tasting notes

This is only the second honeybush tea I’ve had and I loved the idea of it. Unfortunately I did not love this tea. And I’m thinking that I’m just not a fan of honeybush.

The smell of this dry smelled of sweet baked goods… Like sugar cookies. The tea as it steeped & the wet leaves smelled of warm cookie dough. So mouthwatering!

But as I drank the tea I found a note to it that I just did not like. I don’t know how to describe it or even where to begin to try. I just know I didn’t enjoy it. I detected this quality in the previous honeybush I’d tried (Honeybush Chocolate from Adagio) but the chocolate masked it so well that I didn’t even really realize it was there. It just flickered across my tongue briefly at the end of the sip & then it was gone from my mind. I wish that had been so with this tea!

I really hate that I didn’t like this tea but what can I say? I just don’t.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

Honeybush and rooibos can have a medicinal taste. I wonder if that is the note you didn’t like.

Tawny Kira

that must have been it. it was unlike what I would normally consider medicinal (which is usually artificial fruit flavorings) but yes I think now that I look back it was kind of medicinal tasting. I have had rooibos blended in with other teas but never on its own. I will have to keep that quality in mind if trying other flavorings of it!

Butiki Teas

Not the same medicinal as a fake cherry flavor, akk those are the worst. Some blends work better with the rooibos like citrus but in others the rooibos or honey bush is a bit more noticeable.

Tawny Kira

I’ve noticed that. And thank god that the rooibos/honeybush medicinal isn’t as bad as fake cherry flavor because I wouldn’t even have been able to finish the cup! I do think that it’s something that I can grow accustomed to, though- just kind of different more than bad. I haven’t had much of it so I don’t want to rule it out completely until I’ve played around with it! :) And you know, sometimes I wonder if the people who make the flavors for medicines have ever actually tasted the fruit they’re claiming it tastes like :P

Butiki Teas

Hahaha, I think they are just trying to cover the taste of the medicine so much that the flavor doesn’t matter. I guess they don’t want it to taste too good because that could be a problem. Some fool somewhere would accidentally kill them self because the cough syrup was just too yummy.

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709 tasting notes

Finally getting around to this sample…Not a fault of Butiki Teas, just a lack of time on my own, and far too many options!! Steeped a pot of this while waiting for homemade pizza dough to rise, was enticed by the sweet creamy smell. Had a rich smell, for a honeybush. Steeped, the liquor is a deep reddish brown and the vanilla aroma is wafting through the apartment. It continues to be a rich vanilla smell, more reminiscent of a vanilla cake than of artificial vanilla, if that makes sense.

First sips are as rich as they smell…wonderfully delicious, shockingly thick mouth-feel for a honeybush as I find it to be thinner, much like rooibos. I am really impressed with this tea. I know that everyone has a vanilla tea, but this one really stands out for me. I think I like the natural smoothness and sweetness of the honeybush base to complement the vanilla. This is a success, for me! : )

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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2201 tasting notes

I’m finally getting around to the rooibos samples from Butiki (thanks again!), and I decided to have this one tonight. I don’t have a lot of plain vanilla teas, but that’s not because I don’t like them! I think I get too swept up in trying all the more complicated blends, and I forget how nice just a simple vanilla is.

The aroma of this one is primarily vanilla (no surprise there), but there’s an underlying ‘bright’ sweetness that almost seems like a fruit note. The taste is very true to the name: it’s all vanilla creaminess, with a hint of sweetness. I get a faint, almost almond note that I think is coming from the rooibos. This is a delicious, and it makes a nice evening dessert tea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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