Lets, for a moment, take a trip down memory lane to the Roswell Strange from eight years ago who found the idea of raisins and raisin flavours in teas to be quite gag inducing. If you introduced that version of myself to the tea drinker I am today and told them that not only would I willing buy what is essentially a raisin tea but that I would go out of my way to do so and be excited about it…
Well, I’d have called you insane.
But here we are with this cinnamon raisin/rum raisin tea and, truthfully, it kind of needs more raisin!? It’s got the cinnamon down – very warming and cozy with just enough warmth and that sort of woody/pastry vibe. However, I think the raisin notes need to be richer and more dense, and I wish I got a little more of the “rum” element too. It’s definitely nice, but without context I probably would have called this a cinnamon focused blend.
Progression in the journey.