The Crowconut

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Cocoa Nibs, Dark Chocolate, Dried Coconut, Natural Chocolate Flavor, Natural Coconut Flavor
Coconut, Dark Chocolate, Malt, Nutty
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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3 Tasting Notes

1445 tasting notes

Love the name, but didn’t always think the combined ingredients worked; something felt metallic or “ringy”, possibly the coconut or cacao. My favourite session had creamo in it, which is usually a “nope” for me (but it was so good here).

On another note – crows now know where I live and that I have peanuts. If I’m not awake at crow-approved hours, they bang on my bedroom roof until I make my way to the kitchen. If I’m already in the kitchen they make sorrowful eye contact with me through the kitchen window. Help.

Flavors: Coconut, Dark Chocolate, Malt, Nutty

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

I am jealous you have crow friends. Maybe they need a puzzle to get their peanuts? They are super smart. I’d trade you boring old squirrels for a crow friend any day.


That crow activity is so fitting for you! haha :D


I love crows but their intelligence and tenacity is slightly intimidating when it’s directed in your direction (and don’t get me started on the silly squirrels)! XD

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1780 tasting notes

Advent day 6. I’m really liking this tea. I had the first cup without any additions and it had a really good coconut flavor. Coconut is the main flavor, but it’s rounded out by the addition of cocoa which translates to a nutty flavor in my brain. I could distinctly taste the tea base, but I can’t identify what kind of black tea it is. For my second steeping I added some soy creamer and it took the tea to a whole new level adding a richness that I’m loving. I want more.
Also, with my first cup I thought it was only fitting to sit on my porch while drinking this tea and feed the crows that come to see me for breakfast each morning. I’ve been feeding them unsalted peanuts for a few months now and slowly winning them over. They are just starting to come grab the peanuts if I’m sitting still on the porch instead of tossing out a handful and retreating in the house to watch them stealthily through the shutters.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1968 tasting notes

Advent day 6! This is a really odd tea. I’m not getting any chocolate, and the coconut flavor is minimal. I’m getting a really strong vegetal, almost artichoke quality to it.

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