“The third in my review series of Bristol Chai’s products. Again, Eva is a completely different beast. Simply put, Eva is basically Bristol Chai’s answer to “golden milk”. It has a green tea base,...” Read full tasting note
“So, yesterday I met up with a coworker to go out for chai/brunch at Bristol Chai. I might be wrong here, but I believe Bristol Chai is either owned/run by Camellia Sinensis, or in partnership with...” Read full tasting note
On almost every street corner in India you will find somebody selling hot spicy tea, they are locally known as chai wallahs. For many Indians stopping for a chai is an important part of their daily routine. In each of these kiosks, the chai wallah will create an atmosphere conducive for discussion, sharing and tasting.
Inspired by such unforgettable moments enjoyed while being in India, we have developed our own original range of recipes to honour this culture : five spicy chais, each with a unique personality.
Eva: green and tonic chai.
A chai for green teas lovers and those with a sense of adventure . The unusual orange-yellow liquor glows from the turmeric which also a gives it a surprisingly seductive aroma . A pleasant bite balanced with its rich, tannic vivacity.
Ingredients : *Green tea, *ginger, *curcuma, *cardamom, *black pepper.
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