Sipdown (797)!
I’m back home in Montreal now; I had a pretty mellow afternoon that basically just consisted of unpacking, laundry and grocery shopping but now I’m closing out the night with a nice tea infused beer!
I wasn’t sure I’d like a chai beer; I hardly like those two things separately let alone combined into one drink. However, I think this is an example of when two mediocre things (just in my personal taste preferences; not bashing Chai or beer on the whole) come together into something quite splendid! This is super, super smooth and weirdly it’s also very creamy!? Jelly Belly does a beer flavoured jelly bean that I quite like because it’s boozy but also almost fruity and sweet and frankly I think this beer kind of taste like that beer flavoured jelly bean!? Is that a weird comment to make!?
As for the “chai” – it does taste a little bit spiced? But not overly – more like the sweetness of something like fennel or star anise, but not actually anything spicy. I probably would never know it was a chai beer if I hadn’t read the can – but setting that aside I just think it’s a really nice, bordering on chuggable, beer.
I would totally buy this again!
Send some to me! I would love to try to be honest :)