“I got this awhile back from a buddy thank you. Now most of the time I do not like roobios unless the roobios is subtle, but I wanted to try this for the chocolate and the mint. Well this is decent...” Read full tasting note
If you’ve ever wanted the steamy delight of chocolate with a multitude of health benefits, caffeine free and fat-free then BourgeaTEA’s Chocolate Lust is what you’ve been craving. Give in to the temptation of cacao blended with South African Rooibos and discard all the bad for chocolate with hints of mint, the fullness of a deluxe Rooibos and the pleasure of doing your body an enjoyable, healthy favor.
BourgeaTEA was started in 2008 by Chris Bourgea as a way to provide quality tea on his college campus. The goal of the company is to change the way people view tea and to focus more on college students to start drinking more tea.