
Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Apple, Honey
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Edit tea info Last updated by joanneee
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 45 sec

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From Bonomelli

Camomile flowers
Product of Italy

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6 Tasting Notes

3 tasting notes

This tea brews better than most.. and I’ve tried a lot! I’ve been drinking herbal teas for years and of all the Camomile teas, this brand is the only one that brews strong enough to get the full flavour of the herbs. It also brews clear and darker than any other Camomile tea. I’ve grew up on Bonomelli Camomilla and each sip reminds me of my Nonni (grandparents) and the many evenings of sickness that only Camomile can remedy.

You will never drink north american brand Camomile tea again!

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 45 sec

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1308 tasting notes

I last had this a decade ago, and am pleased to find it as enjoyable now as it was then. We went out to a very awkward family dinner tonight, but at least the food was good. I ordered chamomile tea. Delightfully, that turned out to be this instead of something generic! The teabag contents are about evenly split between whole flowers and the broken-up leaves that often characterize cheaper chamomile teas. The flavor is sweet apple and honey goodness. I almost ordered a second cup!

Flavors: Apple, Honey

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35 tasting notes

Taste wise, I’d give it the full 100. I had to take off some points due to packaging. It has a full bodied aroma and taste, and is a very decent chamomile tea. However, it is not a loose tea nor does it come in individual wrapped. My family usually go by chamomile tea quite fast, but it attracted bugs before we even get done with it. Maybe due to it’s sweet, apple like aroma.

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4 tasting notes

Soft,subtle and good scent.
Product of Italy
Chamomile Flower

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