“Is everyone ready for a potentially controversial tea review? I finished a sample pouch of this tea back around the end of the first week in September, but I purposefully put off posting a review...” Read full tasting note
“As others have said, this tea is highly unusual for a white, the leaves look much like black tea with a ridge on the buds that is silvery green; it’s very pretty to look at. The flavor comes out...” Read full tasting note
“The Ceylon White is an unusual white tea. The leaves are long and dark, which almost remind me of a black tea. The aroma and flavor profile have that black tea quality to it, too. There were malty...” Read full tasting note
“Enjoying this one this afternoon. The dry leaves look so unusual for a white. Long dark think spindly leaves with a white stripe on each. It brews up bold for a white tea. Maybe because it looks...” Read full tasting note
JUST ARRIVED. This is the freshest crop straight from the farm.
You’ve heard of the famous Ceylon Black Tea, no doubt. We’re excited to offer you one of the first white teas grown on an independent family farm in one of the most famous tea growing regions in the world.
This is a very beautiful and elegant tea; a single bud and a single tender leaf. We’re tempted to call it a White Oolong because it defies experience. It’s processed like a white tea but somehow has enough of a darker profile to give you the satisfaction of a super-high quality dark tea. It takes 6-7 Kilos of hand-picked buds to make a single kilo of this tea!
This tea is a first of its kind and an exclusive to BTTC.
Please try it out and let us know what you think.
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