How i got it: Got it in a swap with my wife, in addition to the one i got from the shop seller as a gift (part of Basilur’s “Specialty Classics” Pack)
Experience: Well, let’s start with a new Basilur pack, more on the classic side this time. This EB has a very intense aroma, which i could describe as a mix between Assam and Ceylan, with dominance of the latter. On the flavor part, however, this mix is more balanced, going from malty notes to fresh and crisp ones. Not very intense, but very rich and deep on taste, one of its most notable traits is that the characteristic bitter note of the Breakfast blends is very nuanced, almost absent from its flavor. Very interesting, and really good tea.
Would i buy it?: I think this would be a ‘yes’, sometime in the future.
Thanks for reminding me … I think I have a few bags of this left that need attention!