“Sipdown!! A swirl of honey covered up the staleness. It was an extra strong cup as well. I just couldn’t bear to toss this in the trash. Every drop was savoured. Goodbye old friend!” Read full tasting note
About the tea estate
The Himalayan state of Sikkim is located a little north of Darjeeling in India. The tea is of exceptional quality and is grown and processed organically without pesticides or artificial fertilizers at an altitude of between 4800 ft to 6400 ft above the sea level. The tea ranks amongst the top quality teas in the international market.
Organic Certification
Tea production in this estate has been switched over from conventional method to ‘Organic Method’ according to the guidelines of the Institute of Marketology (IMO) of Switzerland. In growing Organic Tea, agro-chemicals are avoided by the tea estate.
Oolong Tea-
This Oolong Tea is very smooth, has a fruity flavour and slightly orange yellow liquor. It has the flavour of orthodox black tea and retains the health properties of Green Tea.
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