Eastern Beauty

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Oolong Tea
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175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Apologies – I have a bit of a tea backlog to get through because not only was my internet down most of the evening yesterday, Steepster seemed to be down as well! It was driving me crazy. So I have...” Read full tasting note
  • “A sip down, Finally! I checked my notes on this tea and I first purchased it over 3 years ago so it’s good that I’m finally done with it now. It’s a good tea, I just don’t drink a lot of oolongs...” Read full tasting note

From Aroma Tea Shop

Also known as “Champagne Oolong” for its honey like aroma, this very popular Formosa Oolong is a highly oxidized oolong with distinctive white silver tips. This tea is prized for its malt like sweetness followed with a smooth desirable finish.

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6 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Apologies – I have a bit of a tea backlog to get through because not only was my internet down most of the evening yesterday, Steepster seemed to be down as well! It was driving me crazy. So I have like 8 tasting notes/additional infusion notes written down in a Word document to paste into here (probably a good plan anyways, but it irritated me not to be able to post thing as I was drinking them).

This one’s another sample thanks to Amy Oh! :D

My notes are scarce (I was talking with/listening to drunken roommates while drinking it), but I noted that it tasted sweet and woody-ish (a flavour I find common in late infusions of green oolongs, and earlier in oxidized oolongs). I am wondering if my infusion time/temp/amount of leaf were off though; since I couldn’t access brewing parameters, I just made them up myself, and although they’re typically ok for an oolong, I think a longer infusion would have been better, at the very least. So this one tasted alright, but definitely needs some tweaking (and I definitely have enough leaf left to do that, since Amy sent me a very generous amount!) I’ll withhold a rating until then.

Thanks again, Amy!

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Steepster was definitely down!! frustrated the heck outta me :/


Tonight hasn’t been much better… taking advantage of a brief period of availability to read some notes!

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2816 tasting notes

A sip down, Finally!
I checked my notes on this tea and I first purchased it over 3 years ago so it’s good that I’m finally done with it now. It’s a good tea, I just don’t drink a lot of oolongs lately. I drank some yesterday and then cold brewed the remainder, which I am having today. It’s especially good with a little bit of coconut sugar. I’m not sure I will buy anymore oolongs for a while as I seem to be so into black and green teas lately…

Iced 8 min or more

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