I got home from the PO to discover that my Adagio order has arrived!
This was the first tea I wanted to sample, which is silly because I’m not a huge fan of flavored teas & especially not berry flavored stuff, and
this is a blend of blackberry (black tea), raspberry patch, & wild strawberry. So why did I buy it? LOL, cuz I loved the name & the description. How could I not?
It brews up to a deep red, resembling thin blood, LOL.
I made a small pot, which was shared with Drew & one of my students. Everyone agreed it was tasty, resembling a mixed berry jello in flavor (with stevia added). I think it will be especially good over ice!
@ Sil: Of course! I’ve started a new box for you, BTW. It may be awhile before I send it, but I’m just gonna throw samples in there as I try new things until it’s full enough to ship. :D
I don’t blame you for being taken in by a name like that. I’d want to try it too.
A special bonus: After you steep the tea, the re-hydrated apple pieces are very tasty!