“There’s something profoundly magical about the combination of stone fruits and almond, and this is indeed a profoundly magical tea. The first thing that hit me straight out of the bag was the scent...” Read full tasting note
The Eighth Doctor, blessums. Eight has the least screen time of any of the Doctors, but mercifully his adventures have been continuing in audio form for years. (Seriously, he has a voice like warm velvet.) Sweet, full of love, and prone to bouts of amnesia. This blend balances cherry with apricot and almond, sure to help restore your sense of identity, should it ever be mislaid. A Doctor Who blend.
Created by: Sami Kelsh
Ingredients: black tea, rose hips, hibiscus, apple pieces, natural almond flavor, natural wild cherry flavor, cherries, natural apricot flavor, marigold flowers & apricots
Steeping Instructions: Steep at 212° for 4 minutes.
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