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White Tea
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9 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Working on sipping through this. I wish A Quarter to Tea would come back, I absolutely love their blends. Their honey flavoring was particularly wonderful. This pouch has maintained that wonderful...” Read full tasting note
  • “Absolutely loved my first cup of this – the honey sweetness paired with the bite of heat was absolutely perfect. I do much prefer the use of honey flavouring here to its use in AQ2T’s genmaicha...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sample from VariaTEA. I didn’t actually bother to look up what this tea was supposed to be. I assumed there would be some sweetness to it but was also figuring for that honey taste that AQ2T puts...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tastes like a sweet sweet honey tea that is definitely an A Quarter to Tea tea. I definitely get both honey and vanilla and yes its on the sweeter side but the addition of chili makes for a...” Read full tasting note

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9 Tasting Notes

1968 tasting notes

Working on sipping through this. I wish A Quarter to Tea would come back, I absolutely love their blends. Their honey flavoring was particularly wonderful. This pouch has maintained that wonderful honey flavor, with a bit of spiciness, and some vanilla.

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6119 tasting notes

Absolutely loved my first cup of this – the honey sweetness paired with the bite of heat was absolutely perfect. I do much prefer the use of honey flavouring here to its use in AQ2T’s genmaicha (the name of which is escaping me right now), as I didn’t feel that the genmaicha paired very well with it. Conversely, the white tea is a perfect base.

Note: this tea can be kind of cloyingly sweet, so it can be a bit much to handle if you aren’t looking for that sort of thing.

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15575 tasting notes

Sample from VariaTEA. I didn’t actually bother to look up what this tea was supposed to be. I assumed there would be some sweetness to it but was also figuring for that honey taste that AQ2T puts in some of their teas that i’m not the biggest fan of. What i got was a pleasant surprise. While this is sort of a sweet, almost vanilla like tea (i’m not getting that honey flavour yet that i don’t like), the spicy notes in here make this a win for me. It’s not overly spicy – it really just adds to the mix and makes it an interesting cup.

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6444 tasting notes

This tastes like a sweet sweet honey tea that is definitely an A Quarter to Tea tea. I definitely get both honey and vanilla and yes its on the sweeter side but the addition of chili makes for a nice foil to the more prominent flavors.

Now speaking of sweet things that have a bit of something else happening, I am about to go on a bit of a rant…prepare.

Alright so I have a coworker, (we’ll call her Jane) who is very friendly and a whole lotta fun and I do like her a lot however something happened at work today and I must say I am a bit offended/put off. This coworker is fairly new to the company, just a few months, and a couple of months ago we decided to get a gift together for a mutual friend. However, despite agreeing to the amount we were spending, Jane waited until AFTER I fronted all the money for the gift to tell me she didn’t have the $30 to reimburse me and would pay me at the next pay period which was about a week later. I said that was fine except when the pay period came around she again didn’t have the money and told me she’d get me the money later. Later came after two more pay periods passed. On that day, she reimbursed not only me but two other coworkers she’d borrowed $30+ dollars from.

Anyways, this Wednesday rolled around and Jane and I decided to go for lunch. She told me about Whopper Wednesdays at Burger King where you could get 2 whopper combos for $10. Jane insisted she pay because we had to buy the food together to get the deal. I told her I don’t really ever carry cash so I could pay or etransfer her the money. Nevertheless, she paid and the bill came to $12 total for the two of us together. We got back to our office and I said that I had a $20 so I could give that to her and she’d just need to give me change or I could etransfer her the money. She told me not to worry and just to get her the $6 when I had it.

Today Jane comes to me and asks me for the $10 I owed her. A reminder, our meals together cost $12 so I was sort of taken aback that two days later she was now requesting more money than I actually owed her. However, I know she is hard up for cash so I wasn’t about to fight for $4. I told her I still only had the $20 and asked if she had change. She took the $20 and told me she’d bring me the $10 after lunch. Well, after lunch rolled around and she hands me $5 and says “my lunch was actually $15 so I guess I owe you $5”.

The thing is I could care less about the money because I have never been one to hound anyone for cash nor am I someone who thinks twice over buying someone a meal or putting my hand in my pocket. And I understand that there are those who need money more than others but I am feeling taken advantage of in light of her (1) taking over a month to return the money I put out for her, then (2) asking I give her back money she put out after just 2 days, and such a small amount at that and (3) asking for more money back than I owed her and then (4) when I give her more money than she asked for, she proceeded to spend more of it than she was entitled to without even asking me. I feel so dumb being this bothered by the situation because its such a small amount but I was really frustrated by this and just felt taken advantage of. Not to mention Jane cornered another coworker into loaning her $200 and has yet to return that money but still continues to go out and eat and buy clothes and jewelry for herself.

Am I being overly sensitive or is this a sort of messed up situation?

Roswell Strange

Definitely a messed up situation, and I think it’s only natural to be pissed off. It doesn’t matter if the money itself isn’t important, that’s a ridiculous way to behave (in particular her spending the extra $5 on her lunch!!!). It’s even worse when it’s a coworker/in a professional setting. I don’t know that I can offer any meaningful advice, but the rant is DEFINITELY not unjustified.


I thought that too. Like yes we are friends but work friends and it’s weird to so quickly come in and start asking for money or just helping yourself to money.


It speaks to integrity. She has shown you that you can’t trust her. I’d be put off as well. Sucky situation :(


Don’t you EVER feel like you are being sensitive or overreacting. That is absolutely disgusting and it doesn’t matter rather it’s a $1 or $1000, it’s the principle of it, and her actions are unacceptable. I have had people like that in my life in the past, in a workplace environment too (one of them being a manager and thus would bully me into paying for her things or else make me suffer by cutting hours, for example) and the best is to just avoid any situations with money involved, period. They will do anything they can to try to screw you over. I don’t understand how people like this can sleep at night. It’s infuriating. I really hope you can find a way to get around this without it affecting your job.

Maddy Barone

Jane sounds like a careless person at best, and an unethical jerk taking advantage of others at worst. I lean toward the unethical jerk. If this had happened once, I might be willing to write it down to carelessness. But this is clearly a way of life for her. Steer clear of any situations with her involving money. She has proven she can’t be trusted. Sorry this happened to you.


Thanks guys. I honestly felt silly being mad so I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this whole situation is messed up. Obviously I learned my lesson and won’t be lending her any money nor allowing we to pay for anything for me in the future. It’s not worth it.

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