Thanks for the sample Kittenna!
I really wanted to order this one on Black Friday, partly for the name but also because the tea itself sounded good to me too. However, it sold out before I placed my order. Thankfully, thanks to tea friends, I’m getting to taste it after all!
I actually like it a lot! It’s got a very potent flavour that’s a little perfumey and artificial but not enough that it upsets me. However, I can see it definitely being too much for people if they’re not feeling the whole apple/pear thing. Very much the same apple sort of taste that Apple Ale and Red Wine Apple Cake have though – and I LOVE both of those teas. I think in general I must just be really into AQTT’s apple flavouring, where ever she gets it from. The pear undertones are great. Can’t even taste the green tea base at all, either! Only downside for me was that I couldn’t taste the cucumber at all even though I definitely saw some in the tea leaf that I had measured out. I think that would have been a very nice addition to that overall flavour – but it’s not a deal breaker that it’s missing.
Yup, this is some soylent green that I can get behind!
You should see the movie sometime.
I’ve seen it :P It’s good!
Indeed it is!