Lilith's Fabulous White Tea

Tea type
White Tea
Freeze Dried Blueberries, Lemon Pieces, Natural Flavours, White Tea
Cotton Candy, Lemon
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Magycmyste
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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8 Tasting Notes View all

  • “(52teas (Anne) 2022: 173) L is for… Lilith’s Fabulous White Tea! First of two teas with an “L” word very unique to Anne’s 52teas brand! I’ve never been overly fond of either – mostly in a “too...” Read full tasting note
  • “Continuing to cold steep this. It really is lovely when you manage to catch the pillowy marshmallow aspects in combination with all else here. Enjoyable and refreshing as a cold steep, but not...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Evol Ving Ness for the sample! This wasn’t my favourite white tea, but it was still enjoyable. The blueberry and lemon were a little too subtle for my tastes. I still slurped it all up...” Read full tasting note
  • “Cold Brew Sipdown (130)! This one comes from Kittenna! Because the name of this one doesn’t give away the flavour, I decided to drink it blind and see what I could observe without any prior...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Since it’s the week of my youngest daughter’s birthday, I decided I should create a tea inspired by her. Two of her favorite fruit flavors (especially fruit tea flavors) are Lemon and Blueberry. And she has felt a special love for cotton candy ever since she portrayed "cotton candy" in her ballet company’s rendition of Hansel & Gretel. So I put those three flavors together with her favorite tea base – white tea – and came up with this "fabulous" blend.

Now, lemon, blueberry and cotton candy may seem a little weird, but, it actually tastes quite FABULOUS!

Large size is approximately 1 ounce.

All Organic Ingredients: White Peony Tea, Dried Lemon, Freeze-Dried Blueberries and all-natural flavors.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

8 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

(52teas (Anne) 2022: 173)

L is for… Lilith’s Fabulous White Tea!

First of two teas with an “L” word very unique to Anne’s 52teas brand! I’ve never been overly fond of either – mostly in a “too light” sense – so I decided to overleaf today and that was a Good Decision. It’s still light in flavour, but I’m getting that delicious “aged”-tasting white tea base, with creaminess and berry fruitiness. Apparently there’s lemon, but it must just be blending in really well as I can’t specifically identify it.

Really nice experience with this one today, so maybe I was just chronically underleafing? It is huge, full leaves, so definitely possible… (Also to note, this tea is from 2015, so it’s impressive that it still has this much flavour!)

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1403 tasting notes

Continuing to cold steep this. It really is lovely when you manage to catch the pillowy marshmallow aspects in combination with all else here. Enjoyable and refreshing as a cold steep, but not necessarily a blend that I would feel the need to restock. I say this now, but let’s see how I feel after my sip down happens and a bit of time goes by. It is delicious and it is refreshing and it is a lovely thing to have handy when thirst urges you towards something just like this.

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1184 tasting notes

Thank you Evol Ving Ness for the sample!

This wasn’t my favourite white tea, but it was still enjoyable. The blueberry and lemon were a little too subtle for my tastes. I still slurped it all up though!

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16967 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (130)!

This one comes from Kittenna!

Because the name of this one doesn’t give away the flavour, I decided to drink it blind and see what I could observe without any prior knowledge. I found the flavour to be really lacking overall, though. In fact I have to say that at best this one really just tasted like “lemon water” to me: the kind of really nice, ice cold filtered water with lemon wedges floating in it that fancy restaurants serve. Does it say much about my tastes that I identify water with lemon wedges as fancy? Probably. While that’s a nice flavour, it doesn’t do much for me in the way of tea.

Turns out this is lemon and blueberry? So I kind of half got there – but the flavour was so light that even if I had known there was blueberry in this prior to drinking it there’s no way I would have identified the flavour. Bottom line, this one was just too subtle for me to really enjoy the experience.

Flavors: Lemon

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630 tasting notes
This is very tasty. It is definitely fruity, and I love beauty tease when they have a white bass to really let them shine. I didn’t quite realize there was a cotton candy influence, but I can see it now. For me it is mostly just a sweet edge, sweeter than a fresh fruit would be.

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