I wanted chai so I decided to prolong the life of my Mayan Chocolate Chai and drink this.
1tsp in 6oz (instead of the suggested 8) near (instead of full) boiling water.
I’m not surprised this chai is quite opaque, and unfortunately I’m not surprised at the light color (it is orange though, which surprises me)… I had 5 peanut butter chips in my serving and while it makes sure the peanut butter flavor is there- that doesn’t leave much space for tea or chai.
It smells like… pumpkin pie. Yeah I know weird. Especially since the raw leaf smells like peanut butter.
When I take a sip it tastes like peanut butter… I have to admit when I was trying to wrap my idea of a peanut butter chai, the only thing I could imagine was when peanut butter gives me indigestion and it burns coming up. And it vaguely reminds me of that, but it is definitely a peanut butter chai. I’m just not a fan of solo peanut butter though, it needs chocolate. Wait… crap… I spoke too soon. The 1st taste was great… but after that it just tastes like watery pumpkin pie (yes, pumpkin again)…
Frank, I can see potential w/ this. While I know it wouldn’t be as visually appealing, I suggest chopping the peanut butter chips to make it easier for the peanut butter, chai spices, and black tea base to be more evenly distributed.